Neringa J. Teišerskienė
2020 m. Spalio 30 d., 14:42
Skaityta: 206 k.
Let's dive into matriarchal paganism! We're now having this awesome season that English speakers call the Indian summer. Here in Lithuania, we have a much more original name. It's Bobų vasara, or women's summer. Now Boba is quite a special term with a long history. I am not the historian but I've read many authors on Lithuanian mythology and ethnology (such as Marija Gimbutas, Julius Greimas, Klimka, and others). I have also translated books of celebrated Oriental authors (Paramhansa Yogananda, Sri Ramakrisna, Vivekananda, Babaji) who taught me a great deal of a spiritual realm and a bit of Sanskrit, a language that is astoundingly related to Lithuanian. Anyway, Boba has a vivid background to share, apparently. I will try to name major words related to this title, and try to summarize how Boba could help us track some very ancient history of the feminine triumph.