Pradžia / Radikaliai

Eternal Liiva. 999 footsteps. Footstep 11

“Everything has its season, and there is a time for every desire” [Koh. 3:1]. According to the Gaon, the season and time accord with the desire, and that is what is meant by “every desire.” In the Talmud we note four sections regarding the mode of Redemption: a) If the people repent, they will be saved; otherwise, they will not be. b) If they do not repent, God will place a king over them whose decrees are harsher than those of Haman; so the Jews will repent and be saved. c) The redemption will come at first by the return of the captivity of Zion, even if there is only “one from a city or two from a family” [Jer. 3:14], according to Reb Yehoshua. This is what is meant by the Revealed End. d} The Redemption will come in any case at its designated time, which is referred to as “the concealed end.” However, beforehand one must consider that all of the views expressed are those of the Living God. Therefore the Gaon told us that we must progress and select the mode that is within our power, that is, the third mode. Should we accomplish this and fulfill this mode, then there will be no need for our Sages’ warnings regarding harsh decrees. Since the fulfillment will stimulate general repentance, there will be no need to set up a king whose decrees are harsher than Haman’s decrees. The revealed end will thus hasten the culmination of the Redemption. (Kol HaTor)

Mindaugas Peleckis
2015 m. Spalio 11 d., 16:34
Skaityta: 40 k.
Poetto. (C) Mindaugas Peleckis
Poetto. (C) Mindaugas Peleckis

Guuru  and Liiva stood on the battlefield and looked at Livonian knights' bodies, which turned into clay.

- Can you change a person, if he knows what is the meaning of life? - Liiva said.

- Nobody knows. On the other hand, yes. When I started to believe, things have changed ...

- And the second question - if life has meaning, why is it hidden? And the third question - What's/Who's hiding from us the meaning of life?

- Because somebody has to be secret. Those who know more and hiding. We are too stupid.

- Guuru what about those who know more? Do you want to say that obvious is obvious? Or so? Or not so?

- It is obvious that they are. I do not know who they are, because I am not amongst them.

- Guuru, it's the obvious answer, but now I have everything to put in places, table and chairs ... And they will sit and drink to death. And we will live, because we will know nothing and understand how to sigh ...


briskly on a meadow
landed the feathered sky
and wings --- hazy eyes
only one
wet gasp
and as there were no gills
I'm neither a reptile
neither fish
This is who I am
to catch
meaning of life

The large crow said:

Kapittel 1

1 I begynnelsen skapte Gud himmelen og jorden. 
2 Og jorden var øde og tom, og det var mørke over det store dyp, og Guds Ånd svevde over vannene. 
3 Da sa Gud: Det bli lys! Og det blev lys. 

- Guru This is the ten steps - just do not spread into atoms ...

- And what about quantums? Neutrinos?

- It is necessary! - approved Liiva.
