Guru Guru got one more letter from Liiva, who was not invited into the pyramid, because his theories were againts egyptologists' dissertations:
Now, as never before, it's very dangerous to write dissertations. About anything. It's better to stay on the primal education. Know less, think less, go only to the shopping mall. But here, i don't know where i am. Possibly, in Siria already...
I fell into the pit, which was digged maybe by the Sumerians, maybe
maybe the ancient Egyptians,
perhaps Moses guided refugee Jews,
I do not know what ...
But this is a particular hole, you feel - you don't get out ...
air pocket
clouds golden sand
one drink of tea
shorten your travel
in the sky
up in the air is a sinking pit
he has missed the last train of happiness
wWell, here's an iron (???) camel ... will travel more...