Pradžia / Radikaliai

Eternal Liiva. 999 footsteps. Footstep 2

"The beginning of anything, whether great or small, connected with the footsteps of the Mashiach must be by the designated people, that is, the emissaries, messengers of the Above at the beginning of the Redemption, which will occur with designated deeds, designated activities. The two together will hasten the designated times, that is, the times of the ends of the footstep levels (which number 999 in the sefira Yesod) that are connected with the beginning of the Redemption when the awakening comes from below." (Kol HaTor)

Mindaugas Peleckis
2015 m. Spalio 04 d., 20:47
Skaityta: 27 k.
Eternal Liiva. 999 footsteps. Footstep 2

The days in the North are shorter. And there are no nights there...

But, why Eternal Liiva and Gurru Gurru is here?

- So, here we are in spiritists' commune, Liiva. Night... this night was stormy, electricity disappeared, some strange sounds around... Spirits or hurricane? Or maybe consciouscess, about which everybody talks here? Do you believe in mediums, asked old friend of Liiva, Gurru Gurru. 

Half of studies is a medium. Do students still have such a fest? I feel that you didn't have it that's why you are among spiritists and mediums (why don't you drink one hundred or so percent spirit?). And some medium maybe turned off the electricity and made the hurricane?

- Today (well, everyday, because he is in the Spirits' word) is the 211th birthday of Allan Kardec. Spiritists from all over the world look at Liiva.

Kardec 211.
Mediums around.
Liiva here.

- Allan Kardec was a man of his time, lost in searching... Gurru Gurru, you must find your new name. 730 days you have... Rest, find a respectable name, lots of money earn. Think about smoking. Public place is ok. Every. TV show? You would like it?

- It's medium talking. So you two are here by the accident? Vusaxa. I won't change my name. Clear sky am i.

- Ha, ha.

(Talks in native tongue, strange one.

- Ežeras, laužas, tyras dangus... kokie niekai, nesąmonės, nebranda... Laikas suaugti! Tu jau ne Tomas Sojeris. Mąstyki apie smokingą, ordinus, medalius, premijas... pripažinimą... garbę! Tai pataria Hekas Finas
- Laužo nėra... Vis dėlto ne. Spiritizmas ne man.
- Bet yra elektra! Būk atsargus - tik vienas žingsnis iki smokingo, medalių, prestižo...
spiritizmas - ne Tau, bet lieka neaišku - ar okultine, ar alkoholine prasme? Tavęs klausia l.e. H. Fino pareigas
- Jokkia!!! Kas Jus? Fin ne fin? Rush?
- Ne, Tom Sawyer. Elis ir spiritistai nėra gerai...

- Alus kantrus - jis moka laukti... kategoriškumas visada pakiša koją... bet aš neabejoju tavo absoliučiu blaivumu! Būk tvirtas, nes aš ne Hekas Finas...
- Kas Jus?

aš esu smėlis - Liiva Lyva  Līva Лива
esu dykumos smėlis
įkalintas stiklo laikrodyje
skandinantis žmones
skaičiuojantis akimirkas
kurių nėra

mano gyvenimas bevertis
aš neegzistuoju
tai paskutinė
galutinė tiesa.)

Strange days. Very, very strange days. That's what happen when Mashiach is comming. Comming is He.
