I - guitar, vocals;
A – bass;
L – drums.
Here‘s an exclusive interview with Somali Yacht Club (2010 10 09).
Could You please tell more about Your project, how it all begin? What albums, collaborations are/were the most interesting to You? What albums do You personally consider the best?
L: At first it was just an idea to jam together. Igor messaged me on musicians forum and offered to play something in range of different genres (from screamo to stoner and progressive). I called Artur and it was it. After few jams/rehearsals we decided to play on permanent basis. I guess the cornerstone album for us was “The Last Leaf” by Moccasin. It is so underrated album, but it set our style and direction. Also I would note “Chinxclub” by Ahkmed, s/t by Mars Red Sky, all Sungrazer’s records, Isis’ “Panopticon” and “Oceanic”.
I: Also i want to add that i was under big influence of Weedeater, Down and Electric Wizard. I was in the post-punk/shoegazing band around that time, and i wanted to play some really "headbanging" stuff.
A: Once upon a time in Kiev I visited a concert of our sludge band Kasu Weri. And I was really impressed with the wall of sound, with the emotions and anger which they were putting out! I realized that it was a very high-powered music and it expresses a strong serious content. Then I discovered Iron Monkey and Queens of the Stone Age and then was the main influential album for our band of that period the Moccasin's “The Last Leaf”!
What does band's name mean? Why "Somalian"?
L: Hard to tell exactly. At the beginning we were thinking about names with some strong imagery and some social context. Once I heard some news on Somalian pirates, and the image of this villain Yacht Club came up to me instantly. Also, I guess it just “sounds”. Also it images some discrepancy some peaceful leisure of rich people and the criminal life in poor countries. The name is pretty topical in relation to the situation in our country now as well.
Could You please tell about Your main influences. What music, books, films, other things impress You?
L: In music as I already mentioned: Moccasin, Ahkmed, Mars Red Sky, Sungrazer, Causa Sui, Colour Haze, Red Fang and our beloved fellows Stoned Jesus and Ethereal Riffian. Also Would say that I’m a big punk rock fan (probably more punk that stoner, ha-ha). As for books I read mostly non-fiction and personally I don’t find personal influence on music in books. As for movies – “Legend of Arzak” of Great Moebius comes to my mind as related to our music.
I: It would be really hard to tell. I like everything that sounds just like it sounds in my head. And i'm a big fan of bands that can surprise me. I can describe my "non-stoner" side as some mix of old classic stuff like Astor Piazzolla, Pink Floyd, Sonic Youth and Bob Dylan to more modern like James Blake, La Roux, Disclosure, Burial, The Books, Telefon Tel Aviv, Sam Smith and Hot Chip. About influences, i think that drugs helped me to feel more like "i don't belong to this world, that's why i may not to follow it's rules" :) But don't do drugs, it's just chemistry, nothing special.
A: I like different music. It is all beautiful! Many-sided musical development is a must for the musician. Now, for example, I got into drum-and-bass))) But overall I'm inspired of punk rock. It's more than music and I find in it answers to life's questions, I like her positive and rebellious spirit. It's part of me. Bands that are constantly in the player - Ramones, NOFX and Rancid, Date Rape, Converge, Sungrazer, Causa Sui..
Also a big influence on me is cinema. I love difficult films, I like when the picture makes think. (Is not the essence of art?) Pop-corn movie I watch rare but sometimes its necessary and fun )) Favorite directors are Tarantino, David Lynch, Takeshi Kitano, Jim Jarmusch, Tarkovsky, Michael Haneke..
Will be honest to say that books doesn't inspire me a lot, but they impress me more than any other art form. I love science fiction novels. I love their colorful worlds and instructive stories which teach me a lot..
What is God/gods to You? What is Your religion, philosophy, worldview?
L: I would describe myself as agnostic atheist / secular humanist. I rely on science. Trivial, but I consider music as my religion, as it can create nearly spiritual experience.
I: I'm constantly trying to fool myself, that there is something behind the death. But in the end we're all just a space dust.
A: I have a little different views than guys. I find it hard to believe that harmony and perfect structure of the world and man has been formed as a result of a happy accident. Too perfect everything is arranged. I am a Catholic, I have been going to church for 10 years. But recent events in my life (and in the country life in particular) knocked me out of the rut. I can't feel the power of God in the events taking place around .. I don't want to say that I no longer believe, but now I have a sense of temporary but severe discouragement. I think religion forms a positive worldview, but most importantly I believe this mutual respect, care and love of neighbor.
How do You exactly call Your style?
L: Never bothered to much about this. Maybe stoner/psychedelic rock with shoegaze and post-metal influences.
I: Someone somewhere called our style atmospheric sludge metal :) I think we are somewhere between that and christian gangsta rap.
What could You say about stoner, neofolk, dark ambient projects (now we have pretty much of them)? Which ones are the best, in Your opinion?
L: (I’m not clear about dark ambient question – does it relate to us? J )
[No, it‘s notJ - M. P.]
I’m not much familiar with neofolk genre. As for dark ambient related – I’m a big fan of Bohren und der Club of Gore (dark jazz) and Dälek (noisy, dark and atmospheric hip-hop). Not a “pure” DA but who cares if the atmosphere is so dark and tense. Also I will make some solo ambient project when I get old ha-ha.
I’m rather punk rock fan and by the time we started play together I played in melodic hardcore band Home Detinations (rip) and powerviolence band Сойа (now on undefined hiatus), so I’m also curious “why stoner”. Only after we started as a band I started to dig into stoner/fuzz/psychedelic/etc. music. I believe the fact we are not “stonerheads” helps us in songwriting.
A: Actually, I have a similar opinion with Lesyk because punk rock is closer me. But I like atmosphere in music that's why I like dark ambient and drone. Once a month I listen to Sunn O)))
Is our civilization still going down and down? Do You believe in any possible end of it? What could that be?
L: Recent events in the world would rather say “Yes”. This is 21century, but there is still so mush stupidity, prejudice, dogmatic religious worldviews, violence and hate, that you come to an idea that we all are incurable. Still it would be wrong to watch the world burn. I guess it is a personal responsibility of every thinking person to speak up and make even minor but positive impact. I don’t remember who is the author of these words: “The problem of this world is that wise people always doubt, and stupid that they are confident and actionable”. Still we world’s can end by such good thing as science. Threat of so called technological singularity sounds quite depressing.
I: We have real war just few hundred km from here in our country. So, currently, i'm afraid of bombs and bullets.
A: It is difficult to predict the future of our world. On the one hand I see the incredible human indifference, intolerance and aggression, conflicts still have solved using weapons (it is also in my country now), and it's nonsense for a civilized society in the third millennium! I believe that the reason for this is absurd ambitions and stupidity of government that is in the minority, because on the other hand I meet many young people who do good deeds and think positively. And they are majority. And they are more powerful.
When I first heard Your music, it impressed me so much I can’t still forget the impression. What are the main concepts of Your band? Do You plan other projects?
L: Thanks! We are surprised to receive such good feedback on our record (maybe we just got used to it).
We try to “wrap” our songs in some concept, but it is rather imagery context.
And yes, I’m planning to play some punk rock, and maybe it would a SYC alter-ego.
I: I would like to describe our music as the sign of god with a special aim... But we just like to express ourselves with our instruments. It all comes out from our subconscious. We're just trying no to set any borders. Yes, i'm currently playing in a rock band (we literally playing "rock" =)). If i could have some more time i would create 10 bands. Once i've played in 6 bands at once and it was really hard to manage my time. First of all i want record my own acoustic folk/blues/jazz staff. To many melodies in my head :)
A: The basic concept - no concepts. How it’s possible to create within limits? In the song Sightwaster we use some dub tunes, what was very unusual solution. But people on our shows are waiting for this song. We make emotional music, play what we feel. We're doing it sincerely and it seems that people like it
All my life I've wanted to play punk rock! We have joked about a side project. I hope it will be realized!
Do You plan to come to Lithuania someday?
Sure! We would love to come. Maybe on next tour we would consider to make our route to Baltic countries.
Thank You for Your answers! Last question for now – Your future plans (haha, the best questions ever) and what do You think about music’s future?
L: Thank you for such interesting questions! Future plans are EP “The Sun” vinyl release, writing and finalizing our new songs. Then, recording of our second LP and making our next tour probably in the end of spring/summer 2015.
I: Actually some time ago i dreamed about our tour through whole Europe. Now it is real plan :)
A: I dream of a major European festival. I think it is possible))