Sako / They say
Kartojamas jis per dažnai / You repeat too often
Žodis / These words
MYLIU / I love You
Sako / They say
Žeidžia nemylinčius jis / They hurt those who don‘t love
MYLIU / I love You
Sako / They say
Banalu, nepostmodernu, merkantiliška / It‘s humdrum, non-postmodern, mercantile
MYLIU / I love You
Sako / They say
Natūralas, egocentrikas, kvėša / You‘re straight, egocentric, dumdum
MYLIU / I love You
Sako / They say
Vien tik auksas ir seksas valdo mus / Only gold and sex rules us
MYLIU / I love You
Sako / They say
Nėra kito Dievo, tik Dievas / There is no God, but The God
Taip / Yes
Sakau / I say
Todėl / That‘s why
MYLIU / I love You