Pradžia / Radikaliai

Oriental Diary

Publikuojame Olgos Nenaživinos kūrinius iš ciklo "Rytų dienoraštis" (rašalas ant popieriaus).

Olga Nenazhivina
2012 m. Spalio 22 d., 18:20
Skaityta: 310 k.
Oriental Diary

Olga Nenaživina


Olga Nenazhivina
Daughter of a prominent Russian sculptor Valery Nenazhivin, Olga was
born in Saratov, Russia in 1966, but her parents soon moved to Far
East, to the city of Vladivostok, where Olga grew up, studied and
still calls her home. A Child prodigy, she had her first solo show at
the age of five and continues to live in art and for art. She has
exhibited her work not only in Russia’s Far East, but also in Japan,
Canada and here in USA. Processing powerful pictorial imagination,
excellent technique and taste, Olga Nenazhivina creates graphic work,
which is a blend of Western and Eastern artistic sensibilities. It may
be added that Easter blood are part of her ethnicity and Eastern
aesthetic is natural to her, not something she borrowed.
Her large pen and ink drawings partly resemble medieval tapestries,
but have a distinct Eastern flavor. Symbolic in their imagery, they
lend themselves to many personal interpretations. “Voyage into the
Unknown” – so described Georges Braque the process of painting. Olga
Nenazhivina’s drawings are such exciting voyages and following them is
a very gratifying experience for the viewer.
Serge Hollerbach
Member of the National Academy of Design