At the beginning Contest will be held every month and involve essentially the Lithuanian jury.
We invite to send us pieces of your experimental music.
Styles accepted: new age, musique concrete, ambient, industrial (not rock), noise, avant-garde, minimalism, improvisation, electroacoustic, sound art, psychedelic (not rock), field recordings etc..
Theme of this month's contest: 'Air as a balancing'. Deadline: 2012-Sep-30, 23:59.
Where to send:
Send your creations to: Include author's name and track title in filename. You may use any of online file sharing websites to send music to us.
Work should not be longer than 10 minutes. Max. two pieces by performer/band.
We'll take tracks in mp3, ogg, flac, aac format, no wav, sorry.
Do not compress your work (.zip or .rar or similar files will be rejected).
What of that:
Winner will be awarded a certificate and possibly included in future release of ENDICHE VIS.SAT records.
Jury includes:
Jaras Ramūnas, art person,
Aras Žvirblys, AGATA member of the board,
Marius Salynas, composer,
Gytis "Kingas" Nėnius, musician.