Kviečiame į atminimo lentos, skirtos Imanuelio Kanto 300 metų jubiliejui paminėti, atidengimą. Paminklinė lenta bus atidengta šių metų sausio 15 d., 12 val., Pilaitėje, I. Kanto al. 12.
Maloniai kviečiame Pilaitės gimnazijos moksleivius, Pilaitės gyventojus ir visus Mindaugo Peleckio bičiulius į gegužės 7 d. (antradienį) nuo 16 val. Pilaitės gimnazijoje pažymimą Spaudos atgavimo, kalbos ir knygos dienos 120…
Šiandien, balandžio 17 dieną, sukanka vieneri metai nuo Radikaliai.lt steigėjo, kūrėjo, spiritus movens - rašytojo, poeto, žurnalisto, mokslininko, hiperpoligloto MINDAUGO PELECKIO mirties...
NVO "PILAITĖS BENDRUOMENĖ", prisimindama prieš metus į Amžinybę…
Andrew Liles: "I especially enjoy working with Steven Stapleton"
Kaip jau rašė Radikaliai.lt, 2012 metų lapkričio 10 dieną, 18 val., Anykščių kultūros centre (A. Baranausko aikštė 2) įvyks renginys The Machine Started To Flow Into A Vein (Vol. 3), kuriame koncertuos kultinis surrealistinės elektroninės muzikos projektas Nurse With Wound kartu su legendiniu muzikantu Andrew Liles (Current 93) iš Didžiosios Britanijos, taip pat dalyvaus du projektai iš Lietuvos - Skeldos ir Dimeth Trip.
Andrew Liles sutiko atsakyti į klausimus. Interviu pateikiame anglų kalba.
Mindaugas Peleckis 2012 m. Rugpjūčio 14 d., 22:37 Skaityta: 438 k.
Andrew Liles and Steven Stapleton. All photos - from A.Liles' Facebook page.
Could You please remember Your first encounters with music?
The first record I owned when I was a small child was ‘Do you Wanna Touch’ by Gary Glitter. I still love the song. My father played a lot of classical music and instrumental music, but I think the first piece of music that my father played and I really liked was ‘Tubular Bells’ by Mike Oldfield. Then when I was 12 I was very much into Heavy Rock and Heavy Metal, which I still love. In my teenage years I began to discover alternative and experimental music.
When did You begin to create Your music? What was the first piece?
I started making tape cut ups when I was about 13. I would record spoken word from the radio then edit those recordings on a tape-to-tape machine. Some of those experiments can be heard on ‘Miscellany Deluxe’. Notably ‘Find a New Husband’ - http://andrewliles.com/discography/miscellany.php.
You work(ed) in lots of bands and projects. Could You name those? With what band/project Your work as a composer is the most interesting?
I don’t find working with one band better than working with any other band. I invest the same time, dedication and enthusiasm on every piece of music on which I work. They are all fun and different and have their own induvidual challenges. I especially enjoy working with Steven Stapleton in the studio, we have a great working relationship.
You are one of the main Current 93 musicians. How is it to play in this cult band? How did You begin Your playing in Current 93?
I love playing and working with C93, I have always been a fan so it seemed a natural progression to work with them. I have known David for a fairly long time, and from working with him live at Nurse With Wound shows we became good friends, and from that we began to work on C93 projects.
Could You tell a little bit about Your philosophy, religion?
I don’t believe in a god or higher being. I understand people’s need for it in their lives, to answer questions but it is not for me. I think the big three religions Islam, Christianity and Judaism to be divisive, invariably misogynist and homophobic. I think ALL other belief systems to oppose any form of rational thought. I think every individual is accountable for his or her actions and religion gives people a banner to hide behind and not think for themselves.
The sooner people learn to look after themselves, the people around them, their environment and stop living their lives by ludicrous medieval ideologies we can progress, until such time we will carry on living in the dark ages, a superstitious cul-de-sac based on fear.
What do You think about possible “end of the world”, apocalypse? Will it happen? When? How? Is now WWIII beginning?
I think the human condition likes to think it has everything worked out. We want to quantify everything and the ‘apocalypse’ is a part of this. People want an end chapter, an ending to the story; people want a ‘comic book’ ending, a great explosive catastrophe. They have watched too many disaster movies, read too many newspapers and believe too much media hysteria.
No, I don’t think we are in the ‘end times’, many environmental disasters and wars have happened on earth for hundreds of years and it has not ended yet.
Human life on earth will come to end at some point, it is an inevitability as all species become extinct, but I can’t see it happening just now.
But if the bombs do start dropping tomorrow there is not a lot I can do or say to prevent them, I will just open a beer and watch it all melt before my very eyes, I live high up on a hill so I will have a pretty good view.