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Sen Svaja. Laumių lopšinė (CD, 2015). Review. Lithuanian hags sing the soft wind

Post-folk Experimental Meditation Acoustic band Sen Svaja from Vilnius, Lithuania, is one of those about which i could tell: they didn‘t ruin our folk-lore. Three hags (Dorotė Zdanavičiūtė, Živilė Rimšaitė and Agota Zdanavičiūtė) made their „Lullaby of Hags“ so clean and pure that one can think it‘s one of the best albums ever heard. This is the first time when the debut album is so exciting. Magic!

Mindaugas Peleckis
2015 m. Spalio 14 d., 10:26
Skaityta: 463 k.
Sen Svaja. Laumių lopšinė (CD, 2015). Review. Lithuanian hags sing the soft wind

They sing in their own way, but the roots are so old that you cannot even reach them. Lithuanian folk-lore is a very rich thing, and several million items including many songs are unique in a whole world.

One of main reasons why I write about them in English is my respect to Lithuanian folk-lore. The world must know it as it is so good that lots of people even don’t know about it.

This album is like a one piece but there some specific highlights when vocals are combined with Lithuanian instruments.

It must be mentioned that the young hags are very prolific and can also be heard in projects Rasa Rasa, Miglaukas and Laiminguo. So, Lithuanian folk-lore music won’t be dead.

The album was dedicated to Jonas Trinkūnas, the Krivis (high priest) of Lithuanian pagans, who recently passed away. Young people are interested in Lithuanian mythology and past so I think we’ve got future, too.

Sen Svaja (in Prussian – Sen Swajjais) means “(to be) with those who are your own”. The band wants all us to be own, to be one.
