Mindaugas Peleckis
2016 m. Spalio 18 d., 15:26
Skaityta: 216 k.
TSIDMZ stands for THULESEHNSUCHT IN DER MASCHINENZEIT, that is to say Sehnsucht (nostalgia) for Thule in Machines Time". Thule is a "primordial space", a physical place probably, but a metaphysical one undoubtedly. According to the indo-european mythology, indoeuropean peoples who once inhabited the lands of Eurasia were descended from Thule, the last land remained of the continent Iperborea. Very briefly and roughly speaking, we can say that Thule is the equivalent of the biblical Eden. It is the place of the original "perfection", the place of the ancestors and heroes who lived close to the divine. TSIDMZ expresses exactly this sort of nostalgia both from a pessimistic point of view, meaning 'absence', and from a constructive point of view, meaning a new accomplishment. This new accomplishment has then to be fulfilled in our times, “In Der Maschinenzeit”. Is it possible to realize a fair, sublime, “spiritual” society in the post-atomic era? Is it possible to combine the machine with the Tradition? According to TSIDMZ, some possible answer is to be found in the Futurism on an artistic and cultural level, while in Socialism, on a political and social level. As a consequence, electronic music and every form of “industrial” art becomes imperative. As far as the social and the political levels are concerned, this New Man has to be a master of the machine, and not a slave or a victim anymore. Likewise, on a cultural level the New Man needs to integrate with the machine, which has to become part of this new culture in order to continue the traditional values with this new tool. As a result, this will create an artistic and aesthetic identification, which will give a new identity appropriate to the Arbeiter, as Jünger understood it (the Arbeiter is the E. Junger concept about a New Man that combines technique and ascetic / metaphysical vision). / ''THE TECHNIQUE IS THE MEAN BY WHICH THE FIGURE OF THE WORKER MOBILIZES THE WORLD'' E. JUNGER / As consequence TSIDMZ enjoyed the Eurasian idea, concept and theme: social equilibrium, overcoming of every ideology, a metapolitical and metaphysical weltanschauung to regain the Eternity in the post-modernity. TSIDMZ is part of the EURASIAN ARTISTS ASSOCIATION:
https://www.facebook.com/EurasianArtistsAssociation. [Source: TSIDMZ Facebook page] In my opinion, TSIDMZ is one of the greatest and most interesting bands of the world: deep lyrics, serious themes, dramatic music: it's a bomb that should blow Your mind if it's under Big Brother's control. Interview with Italian band's leader Tetsuo aka Uomo D'Acciaio (ideas, music, atmospheres, samples, distortions, effects) was made on 2016 10 17.