Mindaugas Peleckis
2017 m. Gegužės 05 d., 19:26
Skaityta: 144 k.
I do not write about bad or very bad albums. Maybe i did several or dozen years ago but probably only a few times. I discovered that there is so many good music that there is no time for bad one. So, now i dedicate my texts to You, dear readers, writing about good albums, very good albums and masterpieces. The album which i want to review here is a Chef-d'œuvre, Masterpiece. It is not just a very good album but much more than that. SALA - i will be frank to You - always was one of the best bands/projects to me (not because it is from Lithuania, Utena town). It made lots of albums from 1995 as a several men band (the first industrial/tribal style album was "n/trance" and came as a tape in a plastic bag with a folder and an insert with a Crowley inspired manifesto, written both in English and Lithuanian). Officially, according to discogs.com, there are 18 albums of SALA, but in reality - much more as its mastermind Alas23 (Audrius Šimkūnas) is more than just a musician: he is an erudite, philosopher, photographer, cinephile and many more (not to mention that he lives "normal" life with family). So, let's begin.