Pradžia / Garsas / Sound

Review. PATRICIA KOKETT – Artefakt (2017). Mandragora rituals

Lithuanian artist Gediminas Jakubka is a well known musician of experimental music: this time i will review his newest release as PATRICIA KOKETT. New album ARTEFAKT with mandragora root on its cover is only 18 minutes long but it is worth to listen: new sounds appear. Unfortunately, this album is too short. I would like it to be at least 40 minutes long as those 18 minutes are really good. G. Jakubka is one of the best performers of 21th century's Lithuanian experimental scene who also played/plays in experimental music bands SVEFN-G-ENGLAR, FLESH FLASH and CUTTHROATS, creates music for films and from about 2008 is a DJ, knows how to play guitar, bass guitar.

Mindaugas Peleckis
2017 m. Birželio 24 d., 16:20
Skaityta: 73 k.
Review. PATRICIA KOKETT – Artefakt (2017). Mandragora rituals

ARTEFAKT was released as the first release on new label SANTYKIS as a cassette (it is very popular now in Lithuania). Material and sounds, as it is written on MC, were collected in various spaces and places in 2014-2016. The edition was made "of 50 individually designed pieces".

Also, the album is in the internet:

I would say the album surprised me in a good way: it shows that G. Jakubka is a professional musician who knows what he does, and his alter ego creates unusual atmosphere. Strongly recommended.

A1     Tiur     2:24
A2     Luxor Bambina     5:35
B1     Hominids     5:21
B2     Vulturos     4:09

    Design – su-y
    Mastering –

"Nostalgia theme" from documentary film "Zurückbleiben" (2012). Composer Gediminas Jakubka. from Mantas Satkus on Vimeo.
