Pradžia / Garsas / Sound

TSIDMZ: The pursuit of beauty, majestic and metaphysics

TSIDMZ stands for THULESEHNSUCHT IN DER MASCHINENZEIT, that is to say Sehnsucht (nostalgia) for Thule in Machines Time". Thule is a "primordial space", a physical place probably, but a metaphysical one undoubtedly. According to the indo-european mythology, indoeuropean peoples who once inhabited the lands of Eurasia were descended from Thule, the last land remained of the continent Iperborea. Very briefly and roughly speaking, we can say that Thule is the equivalent of the biblical Eden. It is the place of the original "perfection", the place of the ancestors and heroes who lived close to the divine. TSIDMZ expresses exactly this sort of nostalgia both from a pessimistic point of view, meaning 'absence', and from a constructive point of view, meaning a new accomplishment. This new accomplishment has then to be fulfilled in our times, “In Der Maschinenzeit”. Is it possible to realize a fair, sublime, “spiritual” society in the post-atomic era? Is it possible to combine the machine with the Tradition? According to TSIDMZ, some possible answer is to be found in the Futurism on an artistic and cultural level, while in Socialism, on a political and social level. As a consequence, electronic music and every form of “industrial” art becomes imperative. As far as the social and the political levels are concerned, this New Man has to be a master of the machine, and not a slave or a victim anymore. Likewise, on a cultural level the New Man needs to integrate with the machine, which has to become part of this new culture in order to continue the traditional values with this new tool. As a result, this will create an artistic and aesthetic identification, which will give a new identity appropriate to the Arbeiter, as Jünger understood it (the Arbeiter is the E. Junger concept about a New Man that combines technique and ascetic / metaphysical vision). / ''THE TECHNIQUE IS THE MEAN BY WHICH THE FIGURE OF THE WORKER MOBILIZES THE WORLD'' E. JUNGER / As consequence TSIDMZ enjoyed the Eurasian idea, concept and theme: social equilibrium, overcoming of every ideology, a metapolitical and metaphysical weltanschauung to regain the Eternity in the post-modernity. TSIDMZ is part of the EURASIAN ARTISTS ASSOCIATION: [Source: TSIDMZ Facebook page] In my opinion, TSIDMZ is one of the greatest and most interesting bands of the world: deep lyrics, serious themes, dramatic music: it's a bomb that should blow Your mind if it's under Big Brother's control. Interview with Italian band's leader Tetsuo aka Uomo D'Acciaio (ideas, music, atmospheres, samples, distortions, effects) was made on 2016 10 17.

Mindaugas Peleckis
2016 m. Spalio 18 d., 15:26
Skaityta: 216 k.
TSIDMZ: The pursuit of beauty, majestic and metaphysics

You worked with a plethora of artists over the years. What collaborations were/are the most interesting and important to You and why?

I had the chance to work with many artists and friends that I always appreciated and liked. Every collaboration was important for the musical and cultural enrichment of the Tsidmz sound and had a very unique birth and history.

From the first collaborations with Lonsai Maikov, Rose Rovine e Amanti, Heiliges Licht, [distopia], Narog etc, until the last ones with Gregorio Bardini, Barbarossa Umtrunk, Order Of Victory, L'Effet C'Est Moi, The Wyrm, Corazzata Valdemone, Gnomonclast, Strydwolf, Suveräna, Horologium, Porta Vittoria, Sonnenkind, Le Cose Bianche, Valerio Orlandini, Winterblood, the Serbian poet/writer Boris Nad etc, I can say with proud that the sound always was and is very various and in constant evolution and enrichement.

Can You tell me, in short the main ideas are behind Your music? Could You name Your favorite Your compositions / albums / collaborations? What about the new album?

Behind ThuleSehnsucht music there's the fascination for the opposites relationship, the discover of the unknown and the pursuit of beauty, majestic and metaphysics.

I like everything I did even if in a hypothetical time travel I would like to improve or change some things. Every song, cd, compilation, split work and collaboration has a very unique story, origin, developement and struggle, so it's hard to say what I prefer. Everything was usefull for the growth.

A special mention goes to Barbarossa Umtrunk. A very prolific, original and talented French artist that I loved before starting my own music. He found a very unique alchemy of sounds and topics that fascinated me a lot and influenced very deep my personal approach to the sound and to some topics.

For this reason and first of all for the friendship that we spontaneously started, we did many collaboration songs and for this reason he is the only artist present in the whole TSIDMZ trilogy (Pax Deorum Hominumque, Ungern Von Sternberg Khan, René Guénon et la Tradition Primordiale) with two songs every album. I had the chance as well to be in some of his works: La Fosse De Babel, Der Talisman Des Rosenkreuzers: La Mission Secrete Du Baron Sebottendorf, Tagebuch eines Krieges (2005-2015).

The new album is going well, but not as the three past physical cds. It is less martial and much more meditative. If Pax Deorum Hominumque for ex. has an easy approach, the album Rene Guenon et la Tradition Primordiale needs more concentration and interest about the matter I deal with each song. A good way could be to listen following the texts (available through Tsidmz Bandcamp and Facebook). And from there my hope is that everyone starts a personal and deeper research, study and real interest about the topics.

The sound is magic. You had proved it. But, what ends, when there‘s no sound?

Sound is energy and God is pure (thinking-)energy so maybe pure sound will never ends.

What is and what is not a Sound Art?

Art in general should be first of all the promotion/education of beauty, nature and spirituality. Arts should elevate mankind, should give visions of the whole and of the Eternity and at the same time should exorcise the reality. These are the elements that are missing more in modern "arts".

Art, in this case musical-art, means also to bring something (in ideas, or in sounds, or in texts or in a very specific style of voice) from the Platonic "world of Ideas" to this world. To imitate another artist, to repeat what has already been said by others and "to copy and paste" is not Art. It Is more a matter to be good or not good technicians or cover bands.

What do You think about relations between the old art and computer art? Are they compatible?

Computer as every inanimate thing is a tool. Gun does not kill until someone use it to kill and computer does not kill art or music until you use it to do it. Every inanimate thing is only a matter of which "spirit" stays behind. With which spirit, value, principle, worldviews and philosophy you use the laptop, gun, car, family, music, sex, mathematic etc etc etc? Here lays the main and first point.

Tools are just inanimate things until you decide how and when to use them. Ofcourse some tools are more dangerous than others and require more attention and more consciousness, but a sick society should not even use a spoon. Everything a sick society or a sick philosphy or a morally sick person use and does will be wrong. At the opposite a health society or a health person or a healt Weltanschauung will use in a proper way even the fire. To conclude, everything can be done (not by everyone), but depends HOW.

What do You think about thousands of electronic/neofolk/industrial/ambient/tribal/electroacoustic/avangarde etc. bands/projects? Is it a kind of trend, o just a tendency forwards better music?

In every place and in every time of history there always were many artists, musicians, instruments players and so on. The only difference is that now. with technologies, internet, web platforms etc it's easier to make listen your own music or your performances.
What once you heard in the tavern, in the village party or in the streets, now is listenable at home through a device, because techologies allowed to record what once you could listen or play only in a public event.

Now we can have everything immediately and the first consequence is a serialization and devaluation of all, a lack of deep understanding of what we listen.

The problem is about socializing and about quality.

If once music was a cultural and social aggregator, now the post-modern man can totally isolate himself from any social contest and he can listen in any moment whatever he wants (and the most of the time what the system wants you listen). It's a zeitgeist! The post-modern lonliness, consequence of the extreme indivdualism, social disintegration and of the lack of Traditional and natural values, controls more and more our lives. Ofcourse even in the past music was played and listened also in loneliness or in very private situations, but what was an exception or just one of the many ways to listen music, now it is the norm.

Then we come to quality. The fact that now we can record anything we want, doesn't mean that we go forward better music or forward more qualitative things. Quantity is almost never quality. We just have an overload of records that saturate the listening. Many of these records are just good technical composition, repetition of the usual big historical artists structures and wrongly they are called Art.

Imitation is not Art, it's appreciable and nice, but it's not better music or Art. To have a "cover-band" attitude, a “dj attitude” or to be good technicians of the music are not enough to fulfill the word Art. Original sound, or original texts, or original musics, or original composition are not few, but neither property of any musician. As I said Art means to bring something from the "World of Ideas" to this world; how many so called artists do so?

Then with internet the quality definitvely dropped. Internet should be just a way to promote and a start to see how works your art; post-modernity is a liquid world  (fake money that does not exist; the invisible god called market that nowadays rules everything; the idea that everything is allowed and nothing is sure) and the low quality cold mp3 on a web platform that now exists and tomorrow maybe not, is another element of the decadent "liquid society" we live in. Nothing is anymore sure, anymore qualitative, everything is massive, quantitative, plasticized, serialized with any deep understanding and misurable only thorugh the money... and neither money nowadays has a real value: liquid money, with any gold and neither paper corrispondence, due also to the fact that a big amount of money (with consequent usury and speculation) are daily created only in the virtuality.

As conclusion the first urgent step first of all is to come back to nature, to become "too much humans", and free ourselves from this dehumanized and always more mechanized world. Referring to arts a good starting point could be to regain the pleasure to read a physical book or to listen music on a vinyl or a cd; actually it's impossible to have a total control and a complete comprehension of something until it stays only inside the virtuality or in a "liquid" state.

When we will re-discover the value of a real-concrete society that thinks to the Common Good, to the physical and metaphysical beauty and to the people roots and identities and not to the market interest, maybe will be easier to start a new path where also music goes forward the best and forward more original ideas...

What inspires You most?

God, beauty, majestic, Eternity, opposites, philosophy, metaphysics, metapolitics, geopolitics, mythology, religions, Traditions, identities, people, Ideas and ideologies, history, both mainstream and hidden archeology, Futurism, cinema, man-machine relationship, surrealism, death and life, industrial, classical, folk, ethnic, electronic and metal music.

What are You working on right now?

It's in plan a new album with new sounds, new ideas and new themes, even if the past ones are still and always present in one way or in another. Apart from that, the project is always active in collaborations, thematic-compilations and split-works.

What does Your band name mean to You? What ideology/religion/worldview do You follow?

Means everything I was and I'm until now. Means my main Weltanschauung. Tsidmz is an acronym for ThuleSehnsucht in Der MaschinenZeit; that is to say Sehnsucht (nostalgia) for Thule in Machine Times. It's a sentence that mixes the Spiritual part with the philosophical part with the artistical and musical part of myself. It's me in few words.

It's a sentence that was also very deeply influenced by this E. Junger famous sentence: ''THE TECHNIQUE IS THE MEAN BY WHICH THE FIGURE OF THE WORKER MOBILIZES THE WORLD''.

"The Arbeiter" is the E. Junger New Man that combines modern technique and ascetic / metaphysical vision; on a cultural level this New Man needs to integrate with the machine, which has to become part of this new culture in order to continue the traditional values with this new tool.

I don't trap myself in any definition. Neither in philosophy neither in music. For every human field there are too much labels as if they were commercial-brands and too much all-equal (equal downwards and not upwards), boring and not thinking people.

People are always more and more blind that will never see how much is conditioned by the post-modern anti-natural counter-values and by the so many modern and post-modern lies and psuedo myths we live in. To think with your own brain means to be so humble to listen, discover, read, compare and understand very deeply (and not with a bunch of quotes found on a social media) what is totally opposite to what the media and the present Orwellian system told you to think until now. This is the only FIRST point to start to say "I think".

Post-modern mankind is at the top of dehumanization, at the top of the disconnection from the nature and from real, simple and concrete life.

Illuminism, a kind of new religion without a trascendent God (as like any materialism, progressism, evolutionism, internationalism, liberation ideologies, feminism, veganism and so on with all the rest of modern "religions" built around fake mental constructions and around single elements absolutized to the whole reality), did the first step with the disconnection from God (with the evergreen excuse/slogan "oh how bad are religions"... is maybe the atomic bomb or all the materialistic and "laicistic" evil of the last centuries a religion's consequence!?), and the final step was released with the present post-modern disconnection from life, from nature, from logic-thinking and from the simple to be humans.

In short we can say that from a trascendent God at the center of the universe, we gained the Market at the center of the universe.

The best solution is to have strong traditional principles and then to deal with any music, any philosophy and any ideology. When you have strong, identitarian, natural, eternal and spiritual principles, when you have a real holistic philosophy (and not sectarian as many modern wrongly called "philosophies"/knowledges), when you know that everything has a spiritual or divine origin (just read Plato) and very specific limits imposed by metaphysical principles (and so you are forced to not do whatever technology or the simple human's will allows), when you understand that the matter is limited and the unlimited (as it is the market) is an anti-nature counter-value, when you understand that the common good is the higher value in a society, when you understand that first exists family and the peoples with their own, unique, specific and ancient stories/identities that need to be preserved in order to survive (this feeling sould be instinctive and by default, and the fact that modernity destroyed it in many peoples, it is another sign of the total disconnection from everything is natural and logic), you are also able to take the best from every situation and to build your "power's will" / morality and maybe to be "beyond good and evil".

O fcourse the post-modern world does not help at all. The "weak thinking" and the worse relativity dominate.

The New man, the "Uebermensch" has to deal with this, it's the ultimate struggle.

“Nowadays we are not so much at war against a nation, against a phenomenon, against a party or a political idea, but rather against the emergence of a new and scary aeon, an aeon that will sweep away traditions, will invert values, will annihilate and will replace the deep, real and spiritual essence of human being with fake, low and demonic identities. As consequence we need to be Futurists: watching to the future and to the technique as a continuation in respect to the past and to the Tradition”.

Tsidmz -ThuleSehnsucht In Der MaschinenZeit-

Thank You.

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