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GIRIŲ DVASIOS: It is joy just to be

GIRIŲ DVASIOS is a dub techno/ambient project by Evaldas Azbukauskas aka SOULSONIC and 101. This artist from Mažeikiai, Lithuania, began GIRIŲ DVASIOS in early 2009. Taking inspiration from his local area, the name Girių Dvasios means “The Spirits of The Woods” in Lithuanian and "[e]very [...] track has a Lithuanian name, which is in one way or another related to nature." Here, Evaldas talks about his new album BŪTI ("To be"; 2016, Cold Tear Records) and explains its meaning track by track (2016 06 22).

Mindaugas Peleckis
2016 m. Birželio 22 d., 10:38
Skaityta: 186 k.
GIRIŲ DVASIOS: It is joy just to be

Girių Dvasios started just as a cool name for my dub techno works. I always visualized forests and nature when I was listening to this music, that‘s why I picked this name. I also visualized the same as I was making this music. As a result I fell in love with nature. In this process I realized that a human is not something separated from it. There are no separate things, everything is one, and everything is related and connected. Therefore, If you do not respect nature, you probably don‘t respect your self or other people as well. To throw trash around our planet is equal to trash your own body and soul. I believe that in order to save our planet and humanity, every person has to see him self as an inseparable part of the nature. And I hope that my music is helping people to do that.

1.    Ąžuolai. The oak tree is a very important symbol in lithuanian tradition. This tree symbolizes strength. I want to be like the oak tree in life - strong, both physicaly and mentaly, so I could keep growing in all aspects of my life, regardless of all the challenges, all what is going on around me.

2.    Samana (Moss). I like to walk in the forest, to touch and feel the soft moss under my feet.

3.    Rytais (In the Mornings). There is a certain kind of feeling when you‘re spending your morning in the nature. The sun is rising, there‘s fog above the water, cool air, dew on the grass. It‘s a special kind of time. It feels like the whole world is waking up.

4.    Paslaptinga Šalis (A Mysterious Land). I often have a feeling that there is a whole other world parallel to the one we live in, but it is hidden from our sight.

5.    Lis (It Will Rain). You can sense when the rain is coming, you start anticipating it.

6.    Šąla (Freezing). Again, there is a certain kind of feeling, when it‘s freezing. It‘s a temporary death. But we know that everything will revive after a while. It has to be that way, it‘s the way of the nature.

7.    Miškais Pasitikim Mes (In the Forests We Trust). Any time you feel overwhelmed with a modern life, you can always escape civilization by retreating to the forest. It will clear your mind. Take a deep breath and you will feel refreshed. You can trust the forest, always.

8.    Vakarais (In the Evenings). The sun is setting down. It is time for the rest. We must live in the same rhythm with the nature if we want to maintain our physical and mental health.

9.    Skrieja (Flying). Just tried to imagine a sensation of flying. What is it like to fly like a bird.

10.    Lijo (It Rained). Have you noticed, that during the rain you have less energy, but after the rain, you feel refreshed? I like the time after the rain, I like the smell of it.

It is very hard to explain why I called this album “Būti” (To be). Maybe because I had a feeling, that life is a gift. It will end, so every moment is precious. It is joy just to be. As you are.

Girių Dvasios
