Garsas / Sound
The winner of Global Music awards composer EGIDIJA MEDEKŠAITĖ has dedicated her musical piece called 'PURUSHA' for the remembrance of the soul of - Mindaugas Peleckis.
Garsas / Sound
Įstabią ir gelmišką Jorigės (Aaron Fross, Yorige) kūrybą atradau ir stebiu jau kelis metus.
Jorigė įsitraukė į folkloro pasaulį jau vaikystėje – jos šeima, ypač senelis Jonas Trinkūnas, buvo gerai…
Garsas / Sound
Muzikantas Jokūbas Jankauskas pristato naujausią kūrinį „Vaikystė“. Nors unikaliu balso tembru galintis pasidžiaugti 20-metis neseniai iškrito iš projekto „Lietuvos balsas“, jis nė negalvoja prarasti meilės muzikai ir jau turi naujų…
Be problemų publikuoja portalo spiritus movens MINDAUGO PELECKIO knygą ESINIAI.
Malta metal music band REPUGNANCE
Repugnance from Marsa (Malta) was formed in late 2011 by all the current members of the band. During the first 2 years the band focused on defining their sound and playing local gigs/fests. Early in 2014 the band was signed to Anopsys Records and released its first EP entitled Seeds of Oppression exactly one month later on 18.02.2014 to much positive response both locally and overseas. The band played its first overseas shows in the UK 3 days later in Liverpoool and Edinburgh followed by Festival appearances in Austria and Italy. The Band is now also set to appear at Death Feast Open Air in Germany, Gothenburg Deathfest in Sweden and Brutality over Sanity in Greece before 2015 is out. Repugnance has recently signed to Rising Nemesis Records and is finalising work on its first Full Lenght Album to be released in Early 2016.
Mindaugas Peleckis 2016 m. Gegužės 27 d., 00:19 Skaityta: 10 k.