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Metal novel's JELGAVA'94 author Jānis Joņevs: "Secrets inspire me"

Jānis Joņevs is a Latvian writer. He was born in 1980 in Jelgava. After studying at the local Gymnasium in Jelgava, he went to Riga for his higher education and earned a Master's degree from the Latvian Academy of Culture. Joņevs is best known for his debut novel Jelgava'94 which was a bestseller upon its release in 2013. The book later won the EU Prize for Literature. [wikipedia] Here's a short interview with the writer (2015 05 26).

Mindaugas Peleckis
2016 m. Gegužės 26 d., 13:25
Skaityta: 70 k.
Metal novel's JELGAVA'94 author Jānis Joņevs: "Secrets inspire me"

You are only 35 and already a well known Latvian writer with a cult book which even was translated in several languages [i know only about Norwegian, which ones also? maybe Lithuanian too?]. How do You feel? What's the story of this book - why and how did You write it?

Is 35 really “ only” ? Most of my writing friends have made their debuts earlier. But never mind. The book is now published in French and Norvegian, Slovenian edition is ready. The story of the book is based on three main motifs – being young, metal and memory. Could find also initiation, personal mythology and so on.

Is this novel autobiographical? What is it about?

It’ s not autobiography, I just used my life for it. It is all true but like some subjective reality. Legend, not documentary. In general subject is about teenagers entering the extreme metal scene. History of Latvian metal and city of Jelgava.

There were speculations about the name of the novel. Why Jelgava'94? What does it mean to You?

Jelgava is the city where it’s taking place, and 1994 was the year when it all started.

Metal novel is a rather new genre, probably possible only to Scandinavians and now - Latvians. Lithuanians still don't have such one. What is Latvian scene, what do You value most?

It started in late 80ties – the first wave, the true aristocrats. Mid 90ties was the culmination, I guess. For me at least. And metal scene keeps going. I’d like to highlight such bands as Malduguns, Skyforger, Frailty.

The same question goes about Lithuania. It's probably odd to ask have You been here, anyway - have You been here and what do You think about Lithuanian music? What bands do You value?

I’ve mentioned some of Lithuanian bands in my book. Let it be my answer.


What is Your background? You also write for children, translate from French (and maybe other languages?).

Well, Jelgava 94 is my first book. I’ve written some ultra short stories for children. Translation just a hobby.

What inspires You and what are Your plans now?

Secret! Secrets inspire me and my plans are secret.
