Garsas / Sound
The winner of Global Music awards composer EGIDIJA MEDEKŠAITĖ has dedicated her musical piece called 'PURUSHA' for the remembrance of the soul of - Mindaugas Peleckis.
Garsas / Sound
Įstabią ir gelmišką Jorigės (Aaron Fross, Yorige) kūrybą atradau ir stebiu jau kelis metus.
Jorigė įsitraukė į folkloro pasaulį jau vaikystėje – jos šeima, ypač senelis Jonas Trinkūnas, buvo gerai…
Garsas / Sound
Muzikantas Jokūbas Jankauskas pristato naujausią kūrinį „Vaikystė“. Nors unikaliu balso tembru galintis pasidžiaugti 20-metis neseniai iškrito iš projekto „Lietuvos balsas“, jis nė negalvoja prarasti meilės muzikai ir jau turi naujų…
Be problemų publikuoja portalo spiritus movens MINDAUGO PELECKIO knygą ESINIAI.
Review. LUPI GLADIUS. De Sideribus (Single, 2016)
I cannot be very objective because I love this kind of music (neofolk, military industrial etc.) and I love Italy. But, nevertheless, I must admit that even after 20 years of listening to such kind of music Lupi Gladius surprises: this is a different kind of military neofolk, it’s Italian, not British, not German, French or Lithuanian, and You can feel it, especially if You ever visited Italia.
Mindaugas Peleckis 2016 m. Kovo 28 d., 20:18 Skaityta: 95 k.
This is a two song single. “De Sideribus” (The Stars) ir more neofolkish, “L’Armonia Del Buio” (The Harmony of the Darkness) is more military. Nice melodies, melancholy and a big wish to hear the third long play of this wonderful band.
Lupi Gladius seems to be a band aside, but it’s not. The quality of their music is perfect. I want to repeat it: this is a specific Italian sound which I personally love because of its grandeur.
Lyrics by Diego Banchero (tracks: 2), SaraLux (tracks: 1), music by – Antonio Losenno, Fabio Vitelli, vocals – Pietro Burzo. Artwork – Oleg Galay.