Pradžia / Garsas / Sound


This long-planned LP, recorded back in 2013–2014, is very special not because it’s dedicated to a very close man of the author – his grandfather. Based on the story of his life, it reflects the post-war Lithuanian near border residents’ fates. In the dark Soviet times album’s hero dared to defy the executive instructions of their actions on the grounds that he was not a citizen of this country. In the events of turmoil, it can be considered a miracle that the latter had survived, but had not been exiled to the northern camps. He was issued an identity document “БЕЗ ГРАЖДАНСТВА” (in Russian, “No citizenship”).

Mindaugas Peleckis
2016 m. Kovo 07 d., 18:09
Skaityta: 188 k.

Heavy white LP has two tracks (title one and Geburtsort: Szindaitschen), which make almost 34 minutes. Limited edition of the LP is 150 copies.

The album begins with field recordings: it seems that Donatas Bielkauskas’ (Donis’) grandfather is searching for some things, and the soft music in the background bring us to those times, when so called Wolf's children were wandering alone in East Prussia, and they were protected by good people. Geburtsort: Szindaitschen is an inscription in grandfather's personal documents indicating the place of birth, current Žindaičiai town. 1977 was the symbolic year in which the album’s hero died, and a few months later, LP’s author was born.

The album is completely solo. Donatas Bielkauskas recorded piano, accordion, guitar, voice and field recordings. The accordion is especially good here, as it sounds completely different like those who do it fast. It’s a perfect ambient album, nostalgic, sad, melancholic.

I will tell you the truth: when I listened to this album for the first time, I didn’t like it. Maybe the mood was more rock’n’rollish. Yes, you need a mood for the album. And if you have, it takes you in there. The music floats in evergreen shadows of nothing and memories. The main feature of the album is its flowing mood. It hypnotizes.

Donatas Bielkauskas is a very talented composed who released neofolk, electronic music, post-industrial, ambient albums, participated in various folk and neofolk/martial projects. He certainly represents Lithuania, but already in a global level. Call Brian Eno, Eliane Radigue or Current 93 – all of them should listen to this album, I guess, they would like it very much.
