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Review. CURRENT 93. The Moons at Your Door. They knew my address, cosmic things

I will review only the newest CD of “Hallucinatory Patripassianist rock group” Current 93. The Moons at Your Door as always is a good album, but not my cup of tea. It seems that field recordings and influence by Andrew Liles had currently ruined old good Current 93. Personally I like neofolk and industrial music of this cult band, probably my most favorite together with several (or several hundred) others. The best albums for me are Nature Unveiled, Imperium, Earth Covers Earth, Thunder Perfect Mind, Of Ruine or Some Blazing Starre, Lucifer Over London, All The Pretty Little Horses: The Inmost Light, Soft Black Stars, and some newer ones as Black Ships Ate the Sky, Aleph at Hallucinatory Mountain are also really interesting as new sphere, MYRNINEREST.

Mindaugas Peleckis
2016 m. Sausio 24 d., 15:59
Skaityta: 426 k.
Review. CURRENT 93. The Moons at Your Door. They knew my address, cosmic things

David Michael Tibet is the founder of those bands for more than 33 years. Lots of various styles, but the same haunting voice, soul burning lyrics, and interesting man who knows everything about Mr. Crowley, Gnosticism, cats and Louis Wain, Coptic language and many more.

The new album has two tracks: The Moons At Your Door and There Is A Graveyard That Dwells In Man, it has been recorded as Music For Ghosts. Great artwork (as always), ideas are always fresh. But… There’s one thing that disappoints me a little bit. I feel that there’s more and more Andrew Liles in the band. Maybe it’s not bad (i love his music too), but this music is NOT CURRENT 93 I used to listen to. It’s a good experimental music in the veins of Andrew Liles, Nurse With Wound, and I know I will enjoy the album again and again, but it won’t become my favorite.

Of course, I must add that more expensive edition contains an almost 450 pages book The Moons At Your Doors which collects over 30 David’s most-loved stories (Robert Aickman, Algernon Blackwood, DK Broster, AM Burrage, RW Chambers, Aleister Crowley, Sheridan Le Fanu, Elizabeth Gaskell, WW Jacobs, MR James, Vernon Lee, LA Lewis, Thomas Ligotti, Arthur Machen, Guy de Maupassant, Charles Perrault, Thomas De Quincey, Saki, Count Stenbock, Montague Summers, HR Wakefield and Edith Wharton). The volume also has an introduction by David, which includes brief extracts and translations by him from Akkadian, Coptic and Biblical texts, alongside poems and fairy tales that he also loves. The book’s cover features artwork by David in a design by Ania Goszczyńska; the frontispiece also reproduces a painting by David.

This changes everything. Different music + good book is not just a good CD as it was with, for example, All The Pretty Little Horses: The Inmost Light. There, Music was enough.

Anyway, the album knew my address and made my 40th birthday happier. And I know that I already wait for a new Current 93 album. Thank You, David Tibet, for not being boring (never ever). It's sad You don't give interviews (maybe only to Your inner circle). I have some questions about....................................................................................................................................................

P.S.The answer just came... It was Spelled from Utter Babylon at the Four Winds Bar. "THE MOONS AT YOUR DOOR book? It isn't published till next month now.  It is delayed a bit. The album is the sister to the book but not really a part of it. David+++"

Current 93 ‎– The Moons At Your Door

Label: The Spheres ‎– THE SPHERES NINETEEN

Released: Dec 2015

Style: Experimental

1     The Moons At Your Door     19:13
2     There Is A Graveyard That Dwells Is Man     15:33

    Artwork [Cover paintings] – David Tibet
    Design [Album, Insert], Layout – Ania Goszczyńska
    Performer [Challened Æther] – Andrew Liles
    Performer [Challened Æthyr] – David Tibet
    Piano [Channeled Piano] – Reinier Van Houdt
    Recorded By – The Bricoleur
    Recorded By, Mixed By – Andrew Liles, David Tibet
    Vocals [Channeled Voice] – Alan Taylor (3)

Comes with a double-sided insert. Packed in a gatefold sleeve.
Recorded in Hastings and Venezia.

Biography of David Michael Bunting (David Tibet, David Michael, born in Malaysia, 1960) to those who do not know who this wonderful musician, artist, scholar is: David has created a unique, highly influential and extraordinarily powerful body of work – spanning music, painting, poetry and translation. He has collaborated with many remarkable and idiosyncratic artists such as Tiny Tim, Nick Cave, Antony Hegarty, William Basinski, Rickie Lee Jones, Reinier van Houdt, Nick Blinko, Little Lambi, Tony McPhee and Shirley Collins. He has also worked extensively with Steven Stapleton’s Nurse With Wound, Michael Cashmore, Ben Chasny, Andrew Liles, James Blackshaw, Baby Dee and the late Jhonn Balance.”Since his career began in 1982, he has released over 50 albums and singles and featured on many other artists’ recordings. His paintings have been shown in solo exhibitions at New York’s White Columns and at London’s Isis Gallery, at which his first book of paintings, Some Gnostic Cartoons, was released. The founder of record labels Maldoror, Durtro, Coptic Cat and The Spheres, he also created the publishing imprints Ghost Story Press, Durtro Press, Coptic Cat Press and The Spheres, on which he has published nearly 50 books including, but not limited to, titles by both the seminal horror writer Thomas Ligotti as well as by the arch-decadent Count Stenbock, many of which were published by David for the first time. David is presently editing the Complete Works of Count Stenbock. David’s long-awaited book of his own collected writings, Under The Rain And Teeth Of Gods (Sing Omega), is to be published in 2014. Amongst David’s many interests are early Christianity and its canonical and non-canonical texts, Christian Apocalyptic and Prophecy, translating Coptic texts and studying Coptic grammar, Biblical Hebrew, Assyriology, the Holy Grail, seahorses, Chinese Taoist temple figures, Madge Gill, Dante, John Milton, Louis Wain, and the art of Aleister Crowley, whose paintings he collects. He recently earned an MA in Coptic Language and Grammar, focusing on his edition and translation of an unpublished Sahidic treatise on the Archangel Michael, The Investiture of Michael (in Coptic pjōōme mptaho eratf mparchaggelos etouaab michaēl) and is presently studying Akkadian and Biblical Hebrew. David lives in Hastings, England with his two cats Wiggle and X-Ray.” (

The Music which is impossible not to love
