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STORMGREY. Pray.Crawl.Suffer. Old school death metal in 2015?

Debut album of Lithuanian Old School Death Metal band STORMGREY was released by Vic Records on September 2015. It plays old school death metal featuring ex-members of so called cult Lithuanian death metal bands DISSECTION, GHOSTORM and CONSCIOUS ROT. Mixed and mastered by Dan-Erland Swanö. It seems that Lithuanian metal "elite" has too good opinion about itself. Boring music. Anyway, there still are people who like this shit.

Mindaugas Peleckis
2015 m. Gruodžio 03 d., 08:05
Skaityta: 129 k.
STORMGREY. Pray.Crawl.Suffer. Old school death metal in 2015?

Information from STORMGREY's Facebook page:

Thrash Till Death!

STORMGREY is a Death/Thrash Metal band from Vilnius, Lithuania, which has its roots in the Death Metal scene of early 1990's when its members played and recorded with Lithuanian bands such as UNDERTAKER, DAHMER, MYSOPSYCHIA. NECROPSY, EYETOFUK, DISSECTION, CONSCIOUS ROT, GHOSTORM and GROL. 

Eventually STORMGREY was formed in 2011 and started writing songs inspired by classic Death and Thrash metal bands from the 90's - DEATH, ATHEIST, SLAYER, OBITUARY, PESTILENCE, CELTIC FROST and suchlike. Arūnas Mikolajūnas (guitars) gathered three ex-DISSECTION members - Raimondas Kieras (guitars), Liudas Remeika (bass), Laurynas Sadauskas (vocals), plus young drummer Viktoras Mogilo-Žano and the band started to rehearse and prepare for gigs. During the first two years the band had played about 15 gigs, among them opening for VOIVOD. Unfortunately, before the band started to make serious preparations to record their songs, Laurynas (voc) has left the band and was replaced by Rimtautas Piskarskas, a talented vocalist and multi instrumentalist who recorded an album with Death/Grind band GROL called "True Stench Never Dies" (2005) and played guitars for another Lithuanian old school Death Metal band BURYING PLACE. So wiith a new line up solidified the band started to write new songs and in 2014 went to MuzLab studios (Vilnius) to lay down 10 brand new tracks tested and forged during three years of playing them live. The debut album "Pray.Crawl.Suffer" was mixed and mastered by Dan Swanö at Unisound Studios at the end of 2014 and currently the band is looking for interested labels to release it for the Death, Thrash metal maniacs around the world.

My only question is: who needs old school death metal in 2015? 

The answer is: fans do. Let them enjoy. It's a classical piece of oldschool death metal which i didn't like even when i was a teenager. Now, i can only admit that some "cult" musicians didn't make any progress at all. The only band which is true to death metal is Lithuanian Burying Place and its leader Ambraziejus. You can really call it cult 'cause it never changed its style. 

The themes as the music are the same as in 1990. No progress at all. We've heard all this atheist/anti-Christian/"evil" shit. Boring and too ambitious. 

One good thing is that members of the band ("superband") technically play really good. But boring. I can repeat this word all album long. Guys, what do you do, it's 2015 now. BOOOOORING...
