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Interview with DEUTSCH NEPAL: “Sometimes silence just could join force with the sounds you make and together they make wonders”

On the 13th of November cult Swedish dark ambient/industrial act DEUTSCH NEPAL had released its new album „Alcohology“ („Entartete Musikk“, 7 × File, MP3). On the 25th of November it will be pressed on CD.

Mindaugas Peleckis
2015 m. Lapkričio 19 d., 10:37
Skaityta: 359 k.
Interview with DEUTSCH NEPAL: “Sometimes silence just could join force with the sounds you make and together they make wonders”

I always loved DEUTSCH NEPAL since I have heard it for the first time. It has something true, non-hypocrite inside its music, words and artwork. The music here is slow, going from deep inside, so it leaves a very big impression. Also, i should mention the very good choice of name of the band (yes, it‘s taken from the song „Deutsch Nepal“ from the fifth studio album by German Krautrock band Amon Düül II, „Wolf City“, 1972). Despite of being a fan, i should say some critical words, perhaps. But, there are no critical words about DEUTSCH NEPAL – its albums are waited, listened to and carefully remembered. DEUTSCH NEPAL is one of the greatest acts ever. And it’s even getting better and better.

According to DEUTSCH NEPAL‘s bandcamp’s information, „Deutsch Nepal and Lina Baby Doll is back after 5 years in the retreat of the Swedish woods with a new album - “Alcohology“. Obviously in between (or even during) the recordings there was some examination of bottles and the liquor they contained going on, the object for the album is the impact alcohol might have on people when consumed. Alcohology mainly contain slow pounding industrial music in the vein that are familiar to all Deutsch Nepal fanatics in the same way as the previous album Amygdala. Swirling mirrors of looped sounds loosely glued together with pounding or haunting beats followed with simple melodic input. The dystopian vocals present a surrealistic scenario built up inside your head while listening. The album take off in the track Alcohology Superior which might be a praise to the misery of a meaningless life only decorated with boredom, violence and a lot of alco …and then the study of the fact of this situation - Alcohology … followed by To the Earth’s bombastic description of celestial visions that might strike one under intoxication … “and falling asleep outside the liquor store one day“ together with a hungry Python. The thoughtful statements of the gain and dangers of the consumption of alcohol continues as a theme all through the album and end with a re-recording of Erosion from the album with the same name from 1999 where the impact fluids have, not only on the human body but also on Mother Earth itself. Though a frequent appearance on stage alone or together with others in different constellations releases from Deutsch Nepal are comparably rare. So don’t miss this chance for some fresh Deutsch Nepal released on Entartete Musikk.“



1              Alcohology Superior       08:52

2              To the Earth       07:31

3              Python 07:01

4              Deutsch Nepals Cosmic Trigger  11:48

5              Epicurian Extremism       07:00

6              Alcohology Minor            03:46

7              Erosion 06:46

Artwork – Deutsch Nepal

Mastered By – Peter Andersson (raison d'être)

Music By – Deutsch Nepal

Interview with Lina/Peter Andersson/DEUTSCH NEPAL (2015 11 17).

Could You please tell more about Your new album.

I've been working for 5 years with this music interrupted by a lot of things during the time. 5 years could sound like a long time but as I'm a very slow and been working with other projects meanwhile... I mean the recording for Der Blutharsch and the infinitive Church of the Leading Hand’s album Cosmic Trigger took about 1,5 years... then touring with BDN and raison d'être … recording for some months for a collaboration with Reutoff ….Touring again ….working with our dogs ….drinking toooo much ...well, time disappear. But when really sitting down to record this new album, everything just did burst out of me. It was easy and I think I had been longing to get it out of me. The original idea (that seldom happen) was to record 2 albums in one time Alcohology and Archeolism and release it in the same time ...but for me that is economically impossible ….so people have enjoy the material available.

You worked with a plethora of artists over the years. What collaborations were/are the most interesting and important to You and why?

There is nothing that goes beyond playing live with Brighter Death Now! But the more popish things with Reutoff, Rock'n Rolling Der Blutharsch and the infinite Church of the leading hand, nowadays the more ”longhaired” psychedelia/kraut Jastreb collaboration or working with Thomas of Trepaneringsritualen as Swollen, is kind of variation of the same thing and all this give you energy as it's pretty boring to work all alone.... It's hard to select the most important ...but the live situation is always the most powerful experience.

Can You tell me, in short the main ideas are behind Your music?  

I think the main idea or drive behind my music is creativity and curiosity about what is possible to make out of the skills and material one have at hand. To create musical enigmas and then through some magical equation get an answer that is the new musical creation.

How many albums did You release? Do You remember?

I think you might be able to find a list of my releases on Discogs or some other internet resort that would compile the most. Even for me it would be hard or even impossible to remember all releases I have been incorporated in since the 1980's I did try but ...sorry...

What ends, when there‘s no sound?

I always thought of silence as a musician’s defeat when silence appears as if we are in war with it.... but I'm not that sure anymore sometimes silence just could join force with the sounds you make and together they make wonders.

What is and what is not a Sound Art?

Well, for me art often stands in opposition to entertainment, so all sound made solely to please and entertain people in a contemporary situation don't come up to that standard. Still time changes and stuff that in a given moment supposed to be easy listening could in another situation be elevated to great art.

What do You think about relations between „the old art“ and computer art? Are they compatible?

I think it's possible. But we have to put old standards in the trashcan...”old” art was made by skilled artists, educated and with big visions I can't see why that couldn't happen in the computer age ...people have visions and are skilled also today ...still I'm no specialist in these matters....

What do You think about thousands of neofolk/industrial/ambient/tribal/electroacoustic/avangarde etc. bands/projects? Is it a kind of trend, o just a tendency forwards better music?

It's like it always have been… no big change...but in early days ...the times before you could post or promote your music on internet the music was spread by listeners’ rumors... if it was good you would hear about it - if it was less interesting it often stayed in the basement where it was everybody get into your living room via the net though they are not invited....

What do You know about Lithuania? How and when did You come to it? What Lithuanian and foreign musicians do You value most?

Except from Girnų Giesmės, Dangus Records, Donis, Maldur Atai, McKaras, I don't know so much about Lithuanian projects ...though I've been several times playing in the country. A new pleasant acquaintance is Skeldos … Lithuania ...what do I know? ...small country in the Baltics that used to be an enormous country The Great Lithuania incorporated Belarus and...maybe more ...a long time ago you was the king (!)(?) least you have the same name ...hehe!

What inspires You most?

My audience and the endorsement they give me. The creational process and all the fun that have been and all the fun there is to come. All the stupid/funny stories I could have told my grandchildren ...hmmm have to start work on that :-)

Thank You.

all the best LINA
