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ERICA JENNINGS: "The idea behind my music is the same philosophy I hold in life: authenticity"

Erica Jennings is an Irish-Lithuanian singer and songwriter, born in Dublin, Ireland. From 1998 she is the leading vocalist of world famous Lithuanian band SKAMP, also with her husband, musician Jurgis Didžiulis they created a duo The Ball & Chain (2011-2013). In 2002 she released her first solo album Coming Home For Christmas, and in 2016 - Leaving Me Home. The title song was performed in Eurovision Song Contest this year. Her album Leaving Me Home is a very strong music album encompassing gourmet pop, gospel and electro, and the songs are very personal, sincere and strong. Erica's first live solo performance was in June 2015, warming up for Róisín Murphy where she showcased a 30 minutes set of her new material to rave reviews. Now we can hear full album of great music by Erica Jennings. Interview date: 2016 09 09.

Mindaugas Peleckis
2016 m. Rugsėjo 09 d., 14:43
Skaityta: 291 k.
Erica Jennings. Photography by Tomas&Lukas.
Erica Jennings. Photography by Tomas&Lukas.

You worked with various artists before starting a solo career in 2015, and there's also song The Perfect Time with Vidas Bareikis in Your new album. What collaborations were the most interesting and important to You and why?

I cannot say one was more important or more interesting that another because each collaboration is unique.  I'm just happy and feel blessed to have been able to work with so many amazing people.

What are the main ideas behind Your music?

The idea behind my music is the same philosophy I hold in life, as they are both intertwined and that is: authenticity. Being honest about who I am, with the music I make, with what I want to say and how I want to look.

Without some magic there's no music and Sound. But, what ends, when there‘s no sound?


What is and what is not a Sound Art to You? Your songs are so strong and sincere.

Art is all about making you feel something. You can love something or hate something but if you don't feel anything but ambivalence towards a piece of art that's probably the worst thing for the artist.

I don't think I have the right to judge someone else's creations. I can only evaluate how it makes me feel as an individual.

What do You think about relations between "the old art" and computer art? Are they compatible?

Of course. Nothing is constant, except change.

What Lithuanian and foreign musicians do You value most?

I always find this question very hard to answer because it's constantly changing:) I can say that from the new artists in LT I really love Ba., Monika Liu, Bessioul and Einius, Messiah.

Best new band I saw recently was "Repetitor" (Serbia), "Young Fathers" and "Le1f." But I am in huge admiration of artists who never stop learning like Prince who I loved since forever.  

When do You plan to release new album with SKAMP?

We don't have a date at the moment.

What inspires You most?

Life and the experiences I have or others have.

What are You working on right now? What is Your schedule of concerts in Lithuania and abroad?

My album came out in June and I have just wrapped up festival season last weekend. Next stop is my album Presentation tour which kicks off at the end of October.

An labhraíonn tú Gaeilge?


Go raibh maith agat. Thank You. Ačiū.

